Monday, October 13, 2008

Whirlwind of a Weekend

Shew. So it's Monday night, and I'm just now catching my breath from Friday. The past few days have been a blur -- including a weekend that proved to be somewhat restful.

But if you've been in eastern NC and seen a white Channel 9 truck flash by you on the road, there's a good chance it may have been me. On Friday and Monday, I logged a combined total of 400+ work-related miles. On Friday, that meant racing to Greenville from Jacksonville (after two doctor's appointments) to anchor the noon newscast. Then, racing from Greenville to the far reaches of Craven County to track down a school bus wreck. And then back to Carteret County at the end of the day.

On Monday, I had to anchor our morning and noon shows -- in Greenville. So that meant an uber-early morning and a long afternoon nap once I made it home. It's been tiring -- but I really enjoy anchoring, so I suppose that makes it somewhat worth it.

Despite all the work shenanigans, I managed to sandwich in a pretty good weekend in between two insane days. On Saturday, I got a solid haircut and spent a lot of quality time on the couch watching college football -- including my now #18 Heels beating Notre Dame! What a game! The sports spectacular continue after football, as the NASCAR fellas took the track in Charlotte. My boy Kevin Harvick was in the news a lot this week, but I'd say he got the best of Carl Edwards in the end.

Sunday proved to be interesting, too. After sleeping in, I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I don't know what got in to me, but it likely won't happen again. I followed that up with an awesome hike around the North Carolin Coastal Federation's Patsy Pond Nature Trail. I saw a LOT of bear tracks while I was out there, but no bears. Now that would have been interesting! Still, it was a beautiful hike and it was great to get back into the woods and off the beaten path for a while.

Truth be told, though -- the biggest highlight of the weekend came on Saturday. That's when my best friend, Dave, got engaged! He's been dating a fantastic little lady for somewhere in the neighborhood of two years now, and after a fair amount of planning and plotting, he took a break from his busy med school life and popped the question. I love that kid to death, and it's exciting to see him take such an awesome step! I'm really proud of him. He's an amazing friend, an amazing leader and will no doubt make his fiance a very happy woman.

And on that bombshell, it's time to turn the page on this Monday. My brain is fried, and I'm sure I'll need what few brain cells that remain intact to attack the rest of the week. Take it easy, y'all!

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