Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time Flies

Has it seriously been two or three weeks since I updated this thing? Man, time really does fly!

A lot has happened in the past couple of weeks, and a lot will be happening in the next couple, too.

In the coming days, we've got what is no doubt the most important political election of my lifetime and one that will potentially shape the American political scene for decades to come. And considering the two options for governor here in North Carolina, I think this election is vital in shaping the future of our state. While this might be just a measly blog, I've got to stick to my journalistic ethics and not tell you what I'm thinking (especially since I'll be covering one of the candidates from Raleigh on Tuesday night). But I definitely believe one of the candidates for governor can truly reform Raleigh. The other? Seen the "status quo" commercials?

And speaking of commercials -- sheesh! Enough already! I was anchoring one of our newscasts last weekend and made sure to pay attention during the breaks. Every single spot during the newscast was a political ad! Great revenue for our station, no doubt. But c'mon -- the overkill is ridiculous and enough to disgust a lot of folks, including me. I think the negative ads really show the character of our elected officials and candidates -- at times, they're nasty, nasty people. I'm eager for the election to be over so I won't be inundated with childish, pathetic and downright appalling ads anymore. Frankly, for a lot of these races, I wish we had other candidates to choose from than those running.

So anyway, that's what's ahead (Election Day), or at least part of it. As to what I've been up to the past couple of weeks? Well, a lot.

In a nutshell, I had a crazy, fun sailing adventure where I got stranded in the middle of a river with a friend on his sailboat, I spent a couple of fun days at home with my family, I had dinner with my best friend, I went to the State Fair and had an absolute blast (I can't get enough of the State Fair), I had several days to catch up with a lot of good friends in Chapel Hill, I went to Late Night with Roy and screamed my face off for the best team in college basketball, I saw a man who'd been imprisoned for six years acquitted of double murder and walk away a free man and I said goodbye to a good friend who moved to Florida. All that in the 14 days or so since I last updated this blog.

(The pictures, for those keeping score at home are, from left to right: Nick's sailboat, which we got stranded on and yet still had a good time; part of our posse that went to the State Fair and had a phenomenal time; the Tar Heels at Late Night!; Vaughn Jones (no relation -- ha), who was acquitted of murder after two mistrials, two retrials and six years in jail on no bond; and Marisela Burgos, who left WNCT this past week. Sad.)

So I'm really thankful for the fun times I've had the past couple of weeks, and I'm really looking forward to the next couple, too. Aside from the election, in the coming days and weeks I'll be heading to an engagement party for my best friend, catching up with more awesome people I haven't seen in a while and celebrating the most underrated holiday -- Thanksgiving. Hopefully CBS will have football running all day and I'll miraculously get the day off. We'll see.

And as I pseudo-mentioned earlier, I'll be covering the Bev Perdue campaign in Raleigh on Election Night -- so I'll no doubt have some update-worthy blog material after that. I'll be sure to keep you posted. Y'all have a good one!

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