Wednesday, January 10, 2007

[Carolina] Blue blood ... and thanking those who shed their's

I was hoping to catch President Bush's primetime speech tonight -- it would have served as the perfect tie-in to my blog post. Truth be told, I didn't see the president's address.

In fact, my attention wasn't on WNCT and CBS's coverage of President Bush's decision to send more troops to Iraq. Instead, my eyes were glued to ESPN -- and the Georgia Tech/Duke match-up. [From this moment forward, that institution in Durham will be referred to as "Dook"...]

See, I'm a Carolina grad -- Tar Heel born, Tar Heel bred and every drop of my blood is Carolina Blue. I think Chapel Hill is Heaven on earth ... and in my mind, Franklin Street is hallowed ground. I think the Bell Tower is beautiful, and nothing beats the sight of the Old Well. When I die, I think I want my ashes spread in the Pit, Kenan Stadium and the Dean Dome.

There is something majestic and mystical about Chapel Hill -- and if we're going to be completely honest with each other, that's where my heart lies.

[I am well aware that some of you have quit reading and now hate my guts. Others may have earned a new respect for me -- if you're a Dook, State or ECU fan ... or a fan of any other university ... I hope you'll still respect me despite my Tar Heel pride!]

Only one thing rivals my love for Carolina -- and that's my disgust for Dook. I was raised anti-Dook -- and as a student at UNC, you take a freshman seminar on Blue Devil bashing.

So THAT'S why I missed the president's speech -- I was watching Dook lose its second game in a row. Deep down inside, there's something so very gratifying about that. I'm watching my #1 Heels right now -- I hope they can hang on against those Wahoos from UVA.

I was hoping to catch the president's speech, because while I was out working on my story for today, I met a man who's a Marine reservist. He recently returned from Iraq, where he served as a military adviser to the Iraqi Security Forces.

He said the president's then-pending decision to send more troops to Iraq was the right one to make. I don't intend to get in to the politics of the situation, but he said if the United States had any chance of coming out of Iraq victoriously, it's going to take more troops.

I thanked him for what he did for our country, and our conversation quickly turned to morale. And you know what he said?

He said the biggest contributor to low morale amongst troops isn't insurgent attacks. It's not what he called "inaccurate media reports." It's not attacks on the president's approval rating, or criticisms of his policies. According to this man, the leading cause of low morale is what the troops perceive as a lack of support from the American people.

He said the troops simply aren't "feeling the love." And it makes a huge difference in their lives each day. So here's my point -- whatever your political beliefs, however you feel about this war -- please, support the troops fighting for your freedom and safety. Most of the troops I've encountered truly believe what we're doing in Iraq needs to be done, and they think it indeed goes a long way to keeping us here at home safe each day.

Contact your local USO or VA. Ask them how you can show some support for the troops. They're fighting for our safety and even our right to dissent -- if you're going to dissent against the war or the president, at least thank those that are giving you the right to do it.

OK, that's my two cents. Let me hear yours! Just click on the "Comments" button below and join the discussion!

[And like I said, I hope all you fans of other schools out there don't hate me too much!]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just a few lines to say what a big mess george bush has made for this country, we have lost just as many live in this war as we did when asama had his people fly planes into the trade center and in d.c. what about the hunt for osasma he is the one he needs to looking for. and he said saddam had womd what became of that, if he wants to fight a war let him and his family go over there and get the job done.he has done nothing for the people in the gulf states whom have lost everthing they had and yet he wants to attened to a promblem he can do nothing about ,what about your own peolpe whom you are responsible for they paid there taxes in a country where they live. how can you sovle another mans promblem when he has a bigger problem here in his own back yard.the fighting going on over there has been this way for years and years,how can he think he can fix this when they are not willing to stand up for is time that the USA stop trying to police the world and eat all we have own our plate.we have LOST enough BLOOD i think it is time to bring the troops home and give them the benifits that they have earned.bush had the time WELL his time is up .BRING THE TROOPS HOME......