Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Just 'Biden' Time

I like it when people show their appreciation for our military. I like it a lot, in fact. I've gained more appreciation for our service men and women since I moved to coastal North Carolina than I can even articulate.

So I think it's pretty cool when I get to do stories about neat people taking time to give back to our troops.

'Second Lady' Jill Biden was that neat person today. She came to Camp Lejeune to meet with members and families of the 2nd Marine Combat Battalion ahead of their deployment to Afghanistan.

I've met a whole bunch of politicians in my time at WNCT. I've spent time with NC's four most recent senators (Edwards, Dole, Burr and Hagan). I've lost count of how many times I've interviewed Gov. Bev Perdue ... and ahead of last November's election, I extensively interviewed eight or nine gubernatorial candidates. I've spent time with other state politicians and pundits -- and have had countless interactions with local politicians, too. I even covered President Obama's trip to Camp Lejeune in February, though my request to interview him was (ahem) inexplicably denied (or more to the point ... ignored).

I don't know if it's fair to call her a politician, since she doesn't hold elected office. But Jill Biden has been around politics for a long time. She no doubt knows how the game is played.

That said, there was just something about her interactions with the Marines and their families at Camp Lejeune today that makes her easily the most genuine and believable political figure I've met in my reporting career. I mean, I was very impressed -- and when it comes to politicians, that's saying something.

She's beautiful (especially for being 58 years old!), charismatic and even seemed rather humble. And her presence no doubt resonated strongly with the crowd at Camp Lejeune because she herself is a military mom (her stepson is in the Army National Guard and recently returned home from a deployment to Iraq).

And I think it's that connection with reality that makes her so believable. She truly seemed to understand and care about what the Marines and their families had to say. She exchanged hugs, handshakes and -- in my estimation -- heartfelt encouragement and concern with everyone there.

She told reporters in a press conference late this afternoon that her trips to military bases are something like listening tours. She said she was here to listen to what Marines and their families have to say -- and then take that information back to the White House to share it with policymakers.

I believe her when she says these trips are more than feel-good photo-ops. I believe it because she knows what every Marine and family member in that muggy gym was going through. Her handlers moved her quickly from person to person. But to me, it appears she did her best to have some sincere conversation with as many people as possible. And when it comes time for her husband or the President to weigh in on decisions about mobilizing troops or providing them and their families the resources they need at home and abroad, she has me convinced that she'll offer some sincere feedback.

I wouldn't consider myself naive -- but maybe in this case I am. Or maybe there are political figures who really DO mean what they say or truly DO act in the public interest. I certainly hope the latter is true of her. Because there are some monumental decisions that will be made over the next few months that have huge implications for our military members and their families.

Whatever those decisions are -- and however genuine she may or may not be -- I sure hope Jill Biden gets to weigh in with the stories she heard from everyone she met today at Camp Lejeune.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for your insights. The Bidens have always seemed like very "genuine" people to me as well. With what Joe Biden has gone through personally with his kids, and having your own child in the military, I don't know how you can take any military decision lightly. That's as it should be.