Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

I'll admit it -- I've done an absolutely, positively awful job of staying connected with y'all over the last few weeks.

The last month has definitely been a roller coaster for me -- physically, emotionally and creatively. I've experienced burn-out in each of those areas, sometimes all three at once. And unfortunately, it's come at the expense of the blog.

Let's see, since I last chatted with y'all there's been some food poisoning, about three migraines and not nearly enough sleep. And now my sinuses and allergies are attacking me! I feel like I've aged a few years in just a couple of weeks.

But this past weekend I got to spend some quality time with my closest friend, who I hadn't seen in more than a month. That, coupled with time outside in this recent phenomenal weather, has helped put me on the road to rejuvenation.

And then there's some of the best medicine of all -- March Madness! In my mind, it truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Especially since my Heels are rolling, picking up a share of the ACC regular season crown and looking strong en route to an ACC tourney crown. Now they're a No. 1 seed in the NCAA tournament -- and as I'm writing this, they're leading Eastern Kentucky at halftime.

I'll admit it -- as much as I hate Dook, I never could have predicted a first-round exit from the Big Dance. That's not to say I'm not happy about it...

It's crazy the difference a year makes. A year ago this week I was in New Orleans on Spring Break doing work in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. I went with some of my closest friends and made some more great friends while I was there. It's amazing to think that was a whole year ago. Tomorrow marks one year from the night we watched UNC squeak into the second round. About 80 of us Carolina students crammed into a sports bar in downtown New Orleans (one of the few such places open, even months after Katrina). Not long after we got settled, Presidential candidate and UNC alum John Edwards walked in the door, and ended up watching the game with us. Definitely a fun and interesting memory.

March Madness is definitely going to be a little harder this year, though. As a college student, the world pretty much stopped whenever basketball was on TV. And if you absolutely couldn't skip class, you could watch the games live (in class) on your laptop. It was great!

Well, it doesn't work that way in the Real World -- I didn't get to catch a minute of the action until the Dook game tonight. I wish I still had the luxury of watching every second of the games, and I envy my friends who are still able to do so.

It's just one more thing about the Real World that I've got to get used to. Anyways, the second half is about to start for my Heels, so I'm gonna run.

But let me hear from you -- click the "Comments" button below and tell me who YOU'RE rooting for this March Madness! I look forward to hearing what you have to say...


Anonymous said...

Go Heels!

Anonymous said...

sounds like your life is running you. start running your life your way. one word, ORGANIZE EVERYTHING!!!!! Take 10 minutes each night and organize a plan for the next day, be specific. Clothes right on down. you will be more relaxed the next day. trust me. you can do this. list the things (at least list them in your head if nothing else) things that are the most important to you and start there. your a wonderful reporter and will go far but burning the candle at both ends as the saying goes is not good for you, that's why you have been so sick i'm sure. relax and take a deep breath and go for it. as you get older you will understand more of what i have said. thanks for listening.