Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Games gone wild...

I'm kind of at a loss for what to blog about tonight, but since I have a few minutes of free time on my hands, I definitely wanted to hit you with an update.

While I'm pondering what to write about, let me first say thanks to those of you who take the time to comment on my posts. I read each and every one of them, and your voice is definitely heard. And to Marie: I very much appreciate your compliments and words of encouragement. You'll probably be pleased to know that I have done a lot of organizing over the last couple of days. My work load has been forgiving enough to allow me to reorganize my office and get a few things in order. If I could only order up more sleep!

Well, I've been combing the internet trying to find some weird news that could spark some discussion. I think I've found it. Take a look at this:
"Thirteen-year-old Katharine Tuck's sneakers are equal opportunity offenders. They smell as bad as they look. Now, the Utah seventh grader is $2,500 richer because of it: On Tuesday, she out-ranked six other children to win the 32nd annual National Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest, stinking up the joint with a pair of well-worn 1 1/2-year-old Nikes so noxious they had the judges wincing."

For the full story, click this link. Sounds like a pretty rotten competition, though. (Sorry, awful pun.) Reading about that reminded me of something I heard on the radio this morning. Apparently some lucky folks have been able to parlay a childhood game into some cold, hard cash.

Someway, somehow, someone found a way to turn Rock, Paper, Scissors into an organized sports league. That National RPS Championships are held each year in Las Vegas. And get this -- the winner walks away with $50,000. The whole thing is televised on A&E (click this link and watch a preview) and apparently it's a big deal.

So in the absence of any ideas for me to write about, I want to hear from you! Click the "Comments" button below, and tell me about some of the games you used to play as a kid -- or any lesser-known sports or competitions you take part in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Philip! I've got one for you: Canadian boy, parents arrive in Toronto after Texas prison stay. Take care!